I think the simplest and best explanation is that the Democrats just don’t care. No matter what happens, they’ll be able to buy their way out of it, so they don’t have any real reason to care. Their constituents aren’t so lucky but still.

There’s a reason the party mobilized faster to stop Bernie Sanders and Rashida Tlaib far more than they ever did for Trump. Those two posed far more of a threat to the donor networks than Trump ever did.

In fact, it should be abundantly clear by now that the Democrats would rather lose to Trump than risk anyone coming into power who might pass the legislation that would threaten longstanding power structures that undergird the party.

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Seriously, what the fuck? Even my fucking cat would know what to do and how to do it. And he’s dead.

Vote out every single one of these Neville Chamberlains.

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The Democratic leadership engineered this situation and must therefore desire it. Win or lose, it remains in control of a vast shadow apparatus: consultants, pollsters, lobbyists, fundraisers, key positions on Capitol Hill. Any concessions to new forces within the party would undermine this control, whereas losses to Republicans do not.

The Democratic leadership would far rather lose an election or two - or even become a permanent minority party - than open the party to people it cannot control.—


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Thank you for such a complete summation (with links to docs) of the utter shambles of @thedemocrats, as well as the utter frustration We the People are feeling at 100% too little too late taking credit and not leading of the 'Opposition'.

I wonder what happened at the Wednesday/yesterday meeting .... nothing but a bunch of talk probably.

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Not sure anyone really knows how to stop him. Mostly up to the courts now. He has most of the Supreme Court in his pocket. Doesn’t look good.

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If all are not wise, no one will have a job at all!

Stop playing Eiffel ball and start playing baseball, and hit the ball hard!!

It’s very difficult to read that Dena and independents voted at all for Hegseth, Knom, Bessent! Bondi, expecialky Patrl( Lord his lack of ability , his book, hia lies under oath… everyone of those lied due I g hearings. And those that are yet to have final vote. They are going to cause and cost our stability as a nation.

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Democrats have to decide whether to continue their collaboration or join the resistance. If they want to save the USA, accept its crypto-fascists are a contagion. If not cut out, their spawn will inflict untold suffering and death by their programme of ecocide. Just as the Nazis and Communists did, crypto-fascists are the broligarchs that finance the celebrity consumer cults of Empire to protect and serve its totalitarian world order. Its corporate sovereignty favours the petrochemical industrial arms race over species sustainability. It is a malignant cancer destroying any hope of a people’s sovereignty; the democratic rights of diverse interests. Hence the war and terror on the ethics of DEI and Republic Sovereignty! #TheFederation #EcocideIsFascist #EmpiresPushScam #OligarchsPushEcocide #EmpiresAreEvil #FightingPlanetDestroyers

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What are the Democrats supposed to do take away his pen so he can’t sign executive orders?

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i think it will end quicker if we let him do his thing.

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