Thank you for this excellent report.

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Ask zients how Ukraine war will contribute to Vietnam era inflation! Ask him. Will he advocate austerity on the sheeple to compensate the riches among the "patriots"? How will it go down?

As it is, as far as i can see, Muricans are going to be paying thrice: 1) for the inflation the war creates (vietnam war set up the inflation of 1970s, read tom ridell's paper from 1989) [not one peep about this fact among the great Murican financial press or ivy league business profs]; (2) for the weapons aid and financial aid to Ukraine; [not one peep about money diversions to Poland also for war effort...shhhh..] (3) Reconstruction of Ukraine shh...... So much free press, the midterm electin issues didn't even mention war. Stupidest people on the planet.

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