Good for the FTC. Now go after Microsoft and Google. Break those monopolies up.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

While "the sheep" were watching "Jan 6" patriotica porn on live TV, the swamp gave Boeing a deferred prosecution on it's criminal negligence (in other words....a soft "pass") for killing people (albeit "foreigners") with bad software that could not be over-ridden, unbeknownst to pilots. A small thing. Murica.....it's not getting better. Much more is needed than Lina Khan.

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I wonder how they will honestly investigate the biggest con on Americans as well as many Allie’s with the gene therapy “vaccine”.

I have been concerned about the huge resurgence in corporate take overs and I’m a conservative.

I firmly believe in capitalism but it shouldn’t be unchecked. Greedy corporations have no conscious about the welfare of the workers.

I also have a problem with excessive government spending and bloated bureaucracies spending money we don’t have.

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