In case you haven't noticed, the US Federal regulatory agencies have UTTERLY failed to keep American consumers safe. Have you looked at the sky high rates of autism, obesity and cancer? That's from environmental toxins. For example, the EPA was court ordered to look at studies again when they came out and claimed Monsanto's glyphosate is safe. The FDA, the CDC, EPA and the rest of these regulatory agencies take money, have investment options, own patents and have a lucrative revolving career door form the corporations they are supposed to be regulating. Another example is statins and fluoxetine are useless, yet the FDA still always Pharma to make billions off them.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr has successfully litigated against Monsanto to clean up the river systems. Go to his web site to read his critiques on government polices favoring corporations and not consumers. Another good person to read is Dr. Pierre Cory.
If I had my choice, I would change the laws so regulators can't have their fingers in corporate profit pies. Otherwise they are useless parasites.
In case you haven't noticed, the US Federal regulatory agencies have UTTERLY failed to keep American consumers safe. Have you looked at the sky high rates of autism, obesity and cancer? That's from environmental toxins. For example, the EPA was court ordered to look at studies again when they came out and claimed Monsanto's glyphosate is safe. The FDA, the CDC, EPA and the rest of these regulatory agencies take money, have investment options, own patents and have a lucrative revolving career door form the corporations they are supposed to be regulating. Another example is statins and fluoxetine are useless, yet the FDA still always Pharma to make billions off them.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr has successfully litigated against Monsanto to clean up the river systems. Go to his web site to read his critiques on government polices favoring corporations and not consumers. Another good person to read is Dr. Pierre Cory.
If I had my choice, I would change the laws so regulators can't have their fingers in corporate profit pies. Otherwise they are useless parasites.